Also Burnin' Rubber: Shift is a blatant copy of RR: Revolution. I'll do another rumble format race soon and maybe we'll do it with just stock entries.might yield more drama.worth a shot. Redline Rumble: Revolution is sort of a remake of original Redline Rumble. Sorry it took so long to get this one raced but we got it done and it looked good. Included with your cars will be a $5 Off promo code for the Redline Derby store. Redline Rumble (2003): The original opus, in which you compete in illegal races on an freeway.If you win a race, you also win your opponents car. The near lane was running a bit hot the whole time so there's that.but I guess that's racing.Ĭars will be in the mail by next weekend, so look for your cars in 2 weeks. Redline Rumble is a series of Web Games of the racing genre developped by Richard Smith for the Adobe Shockwave plugin.The series is composed of four entries. I thought NDeavers was gonna pull an upset in the #22 spot.and it was super close.but couldn't quite catch it.
He entered in the #9 spot with his black stocker and that was all she wrote. I hope you had fun watching it live and talking with others.īig congratulations to Mattmann213 and his super showing here. It has four selectable paint jobs: yellow, brown, dark blue, and red-orangish with white decals. It was great to share a few live words with folks. Redline Rumble Revolution The ADP Sturm is unlocked upon beating the opponent in the third race.
Thanks to all the guys that showed up to chat during the YouTube premiere.